When you didn't pick your friend, and she becomes an aspiration to you

Posted by Christie Reimer on

You’ve all heard the saying that you can’t pick your family, but you can pick your friends…


Now what about the friends that you were not able to pick? Or the ones you couldn’t pick, that you now consider family?


You can re-read that if you want… I promise, it will make sense. I will also give you a bit of a back story. I met one of my closest friends years ago at the very beginning of high school. We were both still unable to drive yet, if that gives you an idea of how long ago this was. I quickly became part of their family, and her, part of my family. I got my license first, and her mom used to drive and pick me up, take me back to her house, and she would lend me her car so my friend and I could go out for the night. 


She also had an older sister, and over the years we all became friends, but it also happened, that her older sister was friends with my now husband. Now, this is all coming together, her older sister, was not the one I was originally friends with, but she is now not just a friend. But someone whom I would consider family, just like her younger sister (the friend that I “picked”).


I have watched the older sister over the years become a successful entrepreneur, and someone that I can only aspire to be. She has one of the kindest souls I know, and when you meet her you also can tell immediately what I am talking about. 


Today I want to feature her; Kerri Jarret from Sentimental Gems. 

Kerri is a Crystal Lovin' Creative & Multi Venture Entrepreneur, Hair Coach,  and Mentor who has always incorporated crystals, the art of gifting intentions, and manifestation practices.  


She shares her knowledge and the unconventional path they live, along with introductions to other inspiring gems she knows on her personal blog and Sentimental Gems website.


Not only is Sentimental Gems about jewelry and crystals, it is about the conscious mind and your cognitive behaviour. Sentimental Gems curates crystals to create harmony and to bring awareness to those pivotal moments in your life. 


She is offering this to all of you! Make it a combo and get 20% off, when you purchase more than one item from the Manifestation Jewelry of the Crystal kits (use code: MANIFEST20).





*Some posts in the links area affiliate links. That means, if you click and make a purchase, it will make me a small commission. Thanks for supporting my blog

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